Responsive challenges
While the general rule of thumb is to have content flow vertically on mobile and horizontally on desktop, some types of data require a different solution. In this context, the biggest challenge was the extensive pricing table.
So, for the breakdown for each pricing tier, I took a different path. While the wide (desktop) viewport asked for a tabular representation, the narrow (mobile) viewports needed a so-called definition list treatment. See the live screen.

Easy steps for an onboarding call
Three, to be more precise—designed as a stepped process inside a modal window. That way, the content can be detached from the main navigational hierarchy and be invoked from anywhere.

Visuals to explain technical concepts
Multiply is equipped with features that are not always easily understood verbally. And so, here come the technical illustrations to provide a visual hint and an “aha” moment to potential customers.
Imminent positive results
As soon as Julien (the client) and I launched the website, his customers better understood the value Multiply provides to them in a clear and straightforward way.