Not an ordinary brand
So I went with an unordinary approach to the logomark: From opening doors to a world of wonder and humanoids emanating a rainbow-like wave of joy to a few constructs of a treehouse.
But the answer has been hiding in plain sight—a microphone holding audio wavelengths, which could be easily animated to reveal its meaning through motion.

Child-like illustrations and doodles
Lots of them. And for that, I requested the help of my fellow countrywoman—Jovana Trajanova. Her background in the arts made this task a breeze. So, we went all in using this visual language throughout the website and other marketing materials.

A website that is playful and accessible
When you combine the free-form artistic approach from Jovana and my mathematical grid-like approach to designing layouts, you end up with a wildly playful website that also fully abides by web accessibility principles and is painless to code.